What Time Is the Presidential Debate on Thursday? - Katie CarrBoyd

What Time Is the Presidential Debate on Thursday?

Presidential Debate Details

What time is the presidential debate on thursday – On Thursday, October 13, 2022, the first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Republican challenger Donald Trump will take place. The debate will be held at the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana, and is scheduled to begin at 9:00 pm Eastern Time (ET). The debate will be moderated by Chris Wallace of Fox News.

The presidential debate on Thursday is highly anticipated, but if you’re wondering what time is the debate tonight, click here for the latest updates. The presidential debate on Thursday will delve into critical issues shaping our nation’s future, so stay informed and tune in.

Format of the Debate

The debate will be divided into six segments of approximately 15 minutes each. Each segment will focus on a different topic, which will be announced in advance. The topics will be chosen by the moderators in consultation with the candidates.

The presidential debate on Thursday will be held at 9 pm EST. If you’re wondering what time the presidential debate is, you can find more information about it here. The debate will be broadcast live on all major news networks.

During each segment, the candidates will have two minutes to deliver opening statements. They will then have the opportunity to respond to each other’s statements and to answer questions from the moderators. The moderators will have the discretion to redirect the candidates to the topic at hand and to enforce the time limits.

Audience and Expectations

The debate is expected to draw a large audience. It will be broadcast live on all major television networks and will be streamed online. The debate is seen as a crucial opportunity for the candidates to make their case to the American people and to try to sway undecided voters.

Candidate Platforms and Positions: What Time Is The Presidential Debate On Thursday

What time is the presidential debate on thursday

The presidential debate on Thursday will feature candidates with distinct policy positions and priorities. Understanding their platforms is crucial for voters to make informed decisions.

The candidates’ platforms cover a wide range of issues, including healthcare, the economy, climate change, and immigration. While there are some areas of overlap, there are also significant differences in their approaches.


  • Candidate A supports a single-payer healthcare system, while Candidate B favors a market-based approach with expanded access to insurance.
  • Candidate A emphasizes affordable healthcare for all, while Candidate B focuses on reducing government involvement and increasing patient choice.


  • Candidate A advocates for higher taxes on the wealthy and increased government spending on infrastructure and education, while Candidate B proposes tax cuts and deregulation to stimulate economic growth.
  • Candidate A believes in a strong social safety net, while Candidate B emphasizes individual responsibility and free market principles.

Climate Change, What time is the presidential debate on thursday

  • Candidate A supports the Paris Agreement and calls for aggressive action to reduce carbon emissions, while Candidate B rejects the scientific consensus on climate change and opposes regulations on fossil fuels.
  • Candidate A advocates for investments in renewable energy and clean technology, while Candidate B favors increased domestic production of oil and gas.


  • Candidate A supports comprehensive immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, while Candidate B favors stricter border security and reduced legal immigration.
  • Candidate A emphasizes the economic benefits of immigration, while Candidate B focuses on potential security risks and cultural assimilation.

Debate Coverage and Analysis

What time is the presidential debate on thursday

The highly anticipated presidential debate will be available to viewers through various news outlets and streaming platforms. These include major networks like CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and ABC, as well as streaming services like YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu.

Political commentators and experts predict that the debate will have a significant impact on the upcoming election. The candidates’ performances and the issues they address are expected to sway public opinion and shape the political landscape.

Key Takeaways and Reactions

Following the debate, analysts will provide their insights and reactions to the candidates’ performances. They will assess the effectiveness of their arguments, their ability to connect with voters, and the potential impact of their statements on the race. Social media will also be abuzz with reactions and commentary from the public, providing a real-time gauge of public sentiment.

The presidential debate on Thursday is scheduled to begin at 9 p.m. Eastern Time. The debate will be held at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, and will be moderated by Kristen Welker of NBC News. The debate will be the second of three presidential debates scheduled for this election cycle.

The first debate was held on September 29th, and the third and final debate is scheduled for October 22nd. For more information about the debate, including how to watch it live, visit what time is the presidential debate thursday.

As the clock ticks closer to Thursday, the anticipation for the presidential debate grows. The nation waits with bated breath, eager to witness the clash of ideas and the sparks that will ignite the political landscape. Amidst the fervor, it’s worth recalling the legacy of Chennedy Carter , a trailblazer who dared to break barriers and challenge the status quo.

Her unwavering spirit and commitment to change continue to inspire generations. Now, as we return to the present, the question lingers: What time is the presidential debate on Thursday? Let the countdown begin!

The presidential debate on Thursday is a highly anticipated event, but what time is it? Don’t miss out on the excitement as the candidates take the stage. While you wait, catch the thrilling matchup between the Indiana Fever and the Sky.

Indiana Fever vs Sky promises an electrifying game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. After the game, tune in for the presidential debate to witness the clash of ideas that will shape our future.

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